30, 05, 2021 | Sääntely, Yleinen
Nykyaikainen jakamistalous rakentuu digitaalisten alustapalvelujen varaan. Alustat (esim. Airbnb, Doerz, Facebook, Tori.fi) yhdistävät erilaisten hyödykkeiden tarjoajat ja niitä tarvitsevat...
21, 05, 2021 | In English, Yleinen
For years, travelling has been an essential part of our lives, a way to relax, to get to know new places and people, to experience new things, and to find new perspectives in life. The pandemic suddenly changed everything – forcing us to stay at home or in our...
2, 02, 2021 | In English, Yleinen
Interview with Maria Hakkarainen and José-Carlos García-Rosell from Shareable Tourism A new project “Responsibility and value creation in the sharing economy” (Vastuullisuus ja arvonluonti jakamistaloudessa) started in September 2020 at the University of Lapland. The...